Leukemia and Wes Blog

1000 Days

This warrior goober is 1000 days old today. In those 1000 days #wesleymorrishoward has been through so much. From pulling bar shifts with Mom, to moving cross country in a camper with two cats...

The administrative outrages of poor health

I’d like to think I’m of at least average intelligence, have a reasonable capacity with numbers, and I’ve dealt with more than my share of contracts and financial documents before. I read every thick...

Interim maintenance begins (eventually)

Today officially marks the end of Consolidation in Wesley’s treatment plan, which began when he was officially declared in remission at the beginning of December. The past couple of months haven’t been easy on...

An update on Wes

It’s been a while – things have been largely quiet, and we’ve been settling in to new routines as I settle in to my leave from work. More about that someday. Wesley is currently...

Back on track

The past few weeks have been quiet after several hiccups transpired to delay Wes’ treatment, and there’s been so much going on – or not going on – that I’ve not been in a...


I was never much of a crier until we had Wes. It was never a macho thing with me, but I wasn’t well connected to my feelings and struggled with understanding them, let alone...

Grateful for society

Grateful for society

I’m grateful today that as we enter a new year I received approval for Pennsylvania Medical Assistance, a Medicaid program that provides backup coverage for families with seriously ill children, filling in the gaps...

On being loud for Wes

Everything about this experience is new to me. I’ve never had serious health problems and haven’t had to deal with the health care system in any significant way in my life – even Wesley’s...