1000 Days
This warrior goober is 1000 days old today. In those 1000 days #wesleymorrishoward has been through so much. From pulling bar shifts with Mom, to moving cross country in a camper with two cats...
A journey with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Today officially marks the end of Consolidation in Wesley’s treatment plan, which began when he was officially declared in remission at the beginning of December. The past couple of months haven’t been easy on...
It’s been a while – things have been largely quiet, and we’ve been settling in to new routines as I settle in to my leave from work. More about that someday. Wesley is currently...
The truth is that in between chemo, when he’s not being poked and prodded by someone, Wes is just a kid like most. He lacks that sense of existential dread that haunts us as...
Keeping a child well fed is one of the most basic functions of parenthood. Wes breastfed until after 2 and until he weened had really never eaten much besides – he never had formula...
Today is one of many days lately where I want to be somewhere I can’t. Though increasingly routine, Wes is having a procedure today all the way down in Philadelphia, an uncomfortable reminder that...
If we seem chipper and productive I think a lot is owed to focusing on a few days at a time, maybe looking as far out as two weeks. As a coping mechanism this...
Last week’s hospitalization shook me. Because Wes seems healthy – all of his visible symptoms are related to treatment more than the underlying leukemia – it was easy to get comfortable after returning home...