Wes honored by PopPop’s Kustom Kars

Over the weekend we were grateful to have Rich Nardiello, the kind heart behind PopPop’s Kustom Kars, over to the house to unveil his latest gift to a young child with cancer: a rocket-themed, #42-emblazoned red and orange hot rod designed just for Wesley.

PopPop’s story goes back to a devastating stroke he suffered 7 years ago. During recover he found himself inspired by the strength of little kids who are in treatment for various cancers. Some time back he heard about Wesley, got in touch with Stephanie, and he went to work on something just for him.

Saturday brought perfect weather, so we took the kids for a drive all over New Jersey to try to get a nap in so they’d be fresh for the visit. We pulled up at home just in time, with Wes starting to stir, and met Rich for the first time. Wes had no idea what was going on, but we took him out front for the big unveil, and it went fantastically.

Wes spent an hour taking his new car for a spin outside, testing every part of it, and trying to figure out how to fit the standalone gas pump in the car with him – a nice nod to perpetual motion machines, but ultimately there was only room for driver or pump, but not both.

Rich’s generosity and care for little kids is self-evident; like other caregivers we’ve encountered on this journey, Rich intuitively recognizes the unique power he has to brighten and enrich the lives of kids who’ve been through more pain and struggle than most, and it’s really impossible to overstate how much gestures like his mean to us, and to kids like Wes.

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1 Response

  1. Lena says:

    My favorite is of him in the car, dragging the pump along behind him. My second favorite is him patiently waiting for his car to be filled up with fuel. He’s the best. Hugs to each of you!