Beads of Courage
Today Wes hit Maintenance. He’s done with Frontline – the first four horrific phases of treatment for #acutelymphoblasticleukemia
This string of beads is about 20 feet long with about 600 beads. Each bead represents something that Wes has had to endure. Thank you @beadsofcourage for this amazing idea. Something real, tangible, utterly heavy (both literally and figuratively), to remind us of what Wes and others like him have gone through.
- Black = Poke
- White = Chemo
- Pink = Respiratory (for sedation)
- Red = Blood or platelet transfusion
- Green = NPO
- Lime = Neutropenic
- Tortoise = Lumbar Puncture
- Light Green = X-ray/Echo/CT/MRI
- Yellow = Overnight stay
- Blue = Clinic visit
- Purple = Antibiotic infusion
- Rainbow = PT/OT
- Glass = Act of courage
- Orange = Port Placement
- Magenta = Emergency
- Beige = Bone marrow aspirate
- Star = Surgery
- Bumpy = Medication challenges
#wesleymorrishoward #pediatriccancer #morethan4 #childhoodcancer #all